Life Kinetik and the Science
In more than 40 scientific studies at universities (e.g. Augsburg, Darmstadt, Erlangen, Freiburg, SpoHo Köln, Uni Köln, Leipzig, Mainz, Regensburg, St. Gallen, TU München, Wiener Neustadt, Krakow, Tsukuba) and institutes (e.g. ZI Mannheim, YourPrevention, Saluto, MeviTec) in Germany and abroad with a total of more than 1,000 test persons, significant improvements have been demonstrated by Life Kinetik performance training since 2008. The test periods vary between 4 and 12 weeks.

Improved perception
Using MRI scans, it was clearly shown that Life Kinetik significantly improved connectivity between the brain areas responsible for visual and auditory perception and the motor skills area .
Another work proved a 13.9% improvement in visual perception of adolescents.
Two other studies demonstrated a 12.2% increase in mental rotation performance in adults and a 42.3% increase in children.

Improved speed of action and motor skills
In sports, 3 studies showed that decision-making speed had increased by 31.4%, reaction speed by 14.8%, and action speed by 17.8%.
3 Other studies showed improvements in motor capability of 12-year-olds by an effective 16.5%, goal kicking performance of adolescent soccer players by an effective 33%, eye-hand and eye-leg coordination of adults by up to 11.3%, and scoring of stance balance ability of adults by 145%.

Higher burnout and stress resistance
3 Studies looked at the effect of Life Kinetik performance courses on stress levels in adults.
In 78% of the subjects, stress levels were reduced by up to 51.8% and the risk of burnout, as measured by the Copenhagen Burnout Inventory, was reduced by 24.7%.
In 75% of the subjects, the quantity increase of the recovery response during sleep was 32.5%.
This also showed an increase in dopamine levels in all subjects by an average of 17.7%, measured on the day after the Life Kinetik intervention.
In golfers, cortisol release reduced by up to 39% during competition.

Better attention and concentration
Attention performance has been tested in various studies, especially in children. It increased by 6% for special education students , by an effective 14.9% for 12-year-old students, and by 33% for police officers.
Another study was able to prove that the concentration factor of 12-year-olds increased by 77.1%.
In surveys of participants, 78% of subjects rated their ability to concentrate as 10.34% better on average.

Dementia Prevention
The only scientifically recognized way to delay dementia symptomsis to improve connectivity in the brain, building up what is called cognitive reserve.
Using MRI scans, it was clearly demonstrated that Life Kinetik significantly improved connectivity between visual and auditory areas and the motor area. In addition, the connection strength between the area responsible for planning, execution, and control and the area responsible for working memory and error processing increased.
In a first pilot study with 10 subjects, short-term memory retention of mildly demented seniors increased by 14.6%, while it decreased by 17.1% in the control group.

Improved error rate and cognitive performance
3 papers demonstrated improvement in error rates : in 12-year-olds by 48.77%, in police officers by effectively 38.3%, and in adults by up to 65.3%.
Another 3 studies showed significant increases in various cognitive abilities. For example, the math performance of elementary school students increased by an effective 29.4%, the fluid intelligence performance of special education students increased by 12.2%, and the cognitive performance of 12-year-olds increased by an effective 15.3%.
MRI scans show more connections between the area responsible for planning, execution, and control and the area for working memory and error processing.